
defining rules 83
using 83
cropping 197
CSV format 238
currency format 93
custom cell formats
changing 112
date/time format 110
managing 113
number format 102
text format 111
using 101
custom date/time format 110
custom number formats
associating conditions with 108
creating 102
defining the decimals element 105
defining the integers element 104
defining the scale element 106
custom templates
creating 244
creating initial content 247
creating media placeholders 248
defining default chart attributes 245
defining default image attributes 246
defining default text boxes and shapes 246
defining reusable tables 245
defining table styles 245
predefining sheets 248
predefining tables and other objects 247
saving 249
setting up a document to use 249
custom text format 111
data series 136
data set 136
date and time format 95
document. See spreadsheets
document design. See custom templates
Document inspector 31, 38, 43
duration format 96
error bars 151
Excel format 238
exporting a spreadsheet
as a CSV file 238
as an Excel file 238
as a PDF file 237
in iWork ’08 format 33
to iWeb 242
file size
reducing the size of images 198
reducing the size of movies 212
filtering rows 69
finding and replacing
formula elements 132
text 192
Fonts window 25
footer rows 64
format bar 19
formatting tables
adding images or color to table cells 86
alternating row colors 66
formatting table cell borders 87
formatting table cell values 89
using table styles 53
formatting text 165, 172
adding accent marks 170
font smoothing 169
formula bar 123
Formula Editor 122
formula tools 20
adding a quick formula 120
adding to multiple cells 81
copying and moving 131
creating 121
deleting 126
elements of 118
finding and replacing elements of 132
handling errors and warnings 126
inserting cell references 128
performing instant calculations 119
referring to cells in 126
using arithmetic operators 130
using comparison operators 130
using the formula bar 123
using the Formula Editor 122
using the Function Browser 124
viewing all in a spreadsheet 132
See also functions
See also operators
fraction format 96
freezing header rows and header columns 64
Function Browser 124
See also functions
adding to formulas 124
See also formulas
Graphic inspector 50
header rows and columns
adding 62
freezing 64

keeping visible as you scroll 64
headers and footers 44
hiding rows and columns 66
hyperlinks 187
changing brightness, contrast, and other
settings 199
importing 194
masking (cropping) 196
reducing file size 198
removing background or unwanted
elements 198
replacing template images 196
supported file types 194
importing a file
Address Book data 29
CSV data 29
from AppleWorks 29
from Excel 29
in iWork ’08 format 30
information for document searches 38
See also Spotlight
Inspector window 20
opening 20
opening multiple 20
using for formatting 20
Instant Alpha tool 198
instant calculations 119
iWeb 242
iWork ’08. See importing a file; exporting a
iWork.com 239
keyboard shortcuts
using 27
viewing a list in help 27
line charts 159
linking to Numbers charts from Pages and
Keynote 143
masking 196
MathType 230
Media Browser 23
media files 208
merging and unmerging table cells 86
Metrics inspector 44, 51, 52, 145, 158, 213, 217, 220,
mixed charts 161
adding 210
adjusting playback settings 211
file types supported 208
placing a picture frame around 210
reducing file size 212
among cells 55
among sheets 39
to table cells referenced in formulas 128
to tables and charts on a sheet 16
nonbreaking spaces 190
number format 92
numbering pages. See page numbers
currency format 93
date and time format 95
duration format 96
fraction format 96
in table cells 80
number format 92
numeral system format 97
percentage format 94
scientific format 98
See also table cells
See also custom number formats
Numbers window 14
numeral system format 97
adding a reflection 224
adding shadows 223
adjusting opacity 224
copying or duplicating 213
deleting 214
filling with an image 228
filling with a solid color 226
filling with blended colors (gradients) 226
flipping and rotating 220
formatting borders around 221
framing 222
grouping and ungrouping 218
locking and unlocking 219
moving and positioning 214
resizing 220
selecting 213
arithmetic 130
comparison 130
page break, inserting 44

page layout 44
page margins 46
page numbers
adding 45, 189
formatting 189
inserting 188
See also headers and footers
page orientation (portrait and landscape) 45
password protection
for a PDF of a spreadsheet 237
for a spreadsheet 31
PDF format 237
percentage format 94
picture frames 222
pie charts 154
polygon shape 208
pop-up menus. See cell controls
Print View 17
all sheets 236
arranging objects on a page 44
list of formulas 236
numbering pages 45
Print View 42
setting page margins 46
setting page orientation 45
setting page size 43
setting pagination order 45
the current sheet 236
using headers and footers 44
quick formulas 120
quote bubble shape 207
reference tabs 50
relative cell references 129
Reorganize window 68, 69, 72, 75
reusable tables. See tables
rounded rectangle shape 206
adding 59
alternating colors for banded effect 66
categorizing 69
deleting 61
filtering 69
hiding 66
rearranging 61
resizing 65
sorting 67
See also tables
a copy of a spreadsheet 36
an automatic backup version 35
as an Excel document 33
as an iWork ’08 document 33
as a template 38
Spotlight search terms 38
with media files 33
scatter charts 160
scientific format 98
searching for formulas. See finding and replacing
adding custom 202
adding predrawn 201
adding text in 186
editing 203
reshaping curves 204
sharing spreadsheets
by email 242
by exporting in CSV format 238
by exporting in Excel format 238
by exporting in PDF format 237
by printing 236
using iWeb 242
Sheet inspector 41, 43, 44, 45, 46
adding and deleting 40
naming 41
paginating 42
reorganizing 40
Sheets pane 39
showing and hiding 39
using to organize a spreadsheet 39
smart quotes 172
sorting rows 67
adding 209
adjusting playback settings 211
file types supported 208
reducing file size 212
spell checking 190, 191
spilling 82
splitting table cells 87
Spotlight 38
adding CSV data 30
creating by importing 29
creating from a template 28
finding and replacing formula elements 132
opening 30
organizing using sheets 39
paginating 42
password-protecting 31
saving 32
undoing changes 34
viewing all formulas in 132
star shape 207

steppers. See cell controls
Styles pane 22
table cells
adding and editing 78
adding comments 89
adding images or color 86
autofilling 81
conditional formatting 82
copying and moving 88
enlarging so content fits 82
formatting borders 87
formatting values for display 89
merging and unmerging 86
monitoring values 82
putting content into 78
selecting a group of cells 56
selecting a single cell 55
selecting borders of 57
splitting 87
working with numeric content 80
working with text content 79
wrapping, clipping, and spilling 82
Table inspector 49
table styles
applying 115
copying and pasting 116
creating new 116
default 116
deleting 117
modifying 115
renaming 117
using 114
adding 48
adding columns 61
adding footer rows 64
adding header rows and header columns 62
adding rows 59
alternating row colors 66
categorizing rows in 69
copying among iWork applications 54
defining reusable 53
deleting rows and columns 61
filtering rows 69
freezing header rows and header columns 64
hiding rows and columns 66
moving 52
naming 52
rearranging rows and columns 61
resizing 51
resizing rows and columns 65
selecting 55
selecting rows and columns 57
sorting rows 67
tools 48
Template Chooser 13
automatically opening 29
choosing 28
designing 244
saving custom version 249
See also custom templates
adding 164
adding shadow and strikethrough 167
automatic substitution 189
changing capitalization 168
changing fonts 168
changing point size 167
creating lists 180
creating outlined 167
deleting, copying, and pasting 165
inserting nonbreaking spaces 190
making bold, italic, or underlined 166
selecting 164
setting alignment, spacing, and color 172
setting indents 179
setting tab stops 178
typing special characters and symbols 171
using columns 185
using smart quotes 172
using subscripts or superscripts 168
text boxes 185
text format 99
Text inspector 165, 172
customizing 18
using 18
trendlines 152
value axis 145
vCards 231
Warnings window 26
wrapping 82
zoom level, adjusting the 16