Grouping and Ungrouping Objects
You can group objects together so that they can be moved, copied, resized, and
oriented as a single object.
You can edit an individual object within a group without having to ungroup it first.
Grouped objects can be grouped again with other objects, creating a hierarchy or
“nesting” of grouped objects. To select an individual object that’s nested in several
levels of grouping, you must click it once for each level of nesting.
To group objects:
Hold down the Command (or Shift) key as you select the objects you want to group.
If you can’t select an object, it may be locked and you’ll need to unlock it. To learn how,
see “Locking and Unlocking Objects” on page 219.
Choose Arrange > Group.
To ungroup objects:
Select the group, and then choose Arrange > Ungroup. If the group is locked, unlock
it first.
If you can’t select a group of objects, it may be locked and you’ll need to unlock it. To
learn how, see “Locking and Unlocking Objects” on page 219.
To select an individual object that’s been grouped with others:
Click the object you want to edit once to select the group, and again to select the
individual object.
If clicking once doesn’t select the individual object you want, it may be nested in many
layers of grouping. Click again until the object you want is selected.
Chapter 9
Working with Shapes, Graphics, and Other Objects

Chapter 9
Working with Shapes, Graphics, and Other Objects