Numbers - Changing Text and Text Background Color

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Changing Text and Text Background Color

You can change text color by using the format bar, the Text inspector, and the Fonts
window. Changes you make with any of these tools override color changes already
made with the other tools.

Here are ways to highlight text using color:
To change the color of selected text, click the Text Color color well in the format bar. In


the color matrix that appears, select a color by clicking it, or click Show Colors to open
the Colors window for additional color options.

You can also change the color of selected text by using the Text inspector. Click


Inspector in the toolbar, click the Text button, click Text, and then click the color well.
The Colors window opens. See “The Colors Window” on page 24 for instructions.
To add a color behind a paragraph, click Fonts in the toolbar, click the Document Color


button in the Fonts window (the fourth button from the left), and then select a color
in the Colors window.