Checking for Misspelled Words
You can set the spell checker to flag spelling errors as you type, or you can check your
entire spreadsheet or selected text at any time.
Misspelled words appear with a red dashed line below them.
Here are ways to find misspelled words:
To check spelling as you type, choose Edit > Spelling > “Check Spelling as You Type.”
To turn off spell checking as you type, click Edit > Spelling > “Check Spelling as You
Type” to deselect it (make sure the checkmark is not visible next to the command).
To check spelling from the insertion point to the end of the spreadsheet, click to place
the insertion point and choose Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling. To limit spell checking
to a specific part of the spreadsheet, select the text you want to check before choosing
the command.
The first misspelled word found is highlighted. You can correct it or choose the same
command again to continue checking the spreadsheet.
Chapter 8
Working with Text
Chapter 8
Working with Text
To go through the text more quickly, press Command-semicolon (;) to continue
checking the spreadsheet.
To check spelling
and view suggestions for misspelled words, choose