Using a Checkbox, Slider, Stepper, or Pop-Up Menu in Table Cells
You can add a checkbox, slider, stepper, or pop-up menu to a cell:
Checkbox: Useful for cells whose value indicates one of two states, such as on or off,
or yes or no.
Slider: Useful for quickly making large changes to numbers so you can see the effects
of the changes on other cells in the table or on a chart.
Stepper: Use to increase or decrease numbers in specific increments.
Pop-up menu: Use to predefine the values a cell can contain.
When a cell is formatted to use a checkbox or pop-up menu, you can add or change a
cell’s content only by using the control. Cells that use a slider or stepper let you type a
value into the cell or use the control.
Here are ways to add controls to cells:
To add a checkbox, select the cell or cells.

Click the Checkbox button in the format bar. Unchecked checkboxes are added to
selected cells.
Checkbox button
You can also click Inspector in the toolbar, and then click the Cells inspector button.
Choose Checkbox from the Cell Format pop-up menu, and then select the initial state
(Checked or Unchecked).
To add a slider, click the Cell Formats button in the format bar and then choose Slider
from the pop-up menu. A slider with default settings, visible in the Cells inspector,
is created.
You can also open the Cells inspector and choose Slider from the Cell Format
pop-up menu.
In the Cells inspector, change default settings if desired:
Minimum and Maximum: Indicates the lowest and highest cell values.
Increment: Indicates the amount by which the cell value increases or decreases when
you move the slider (or arrow keys) one increment.
Position: Lets you locate the slider to the right of the cell or at the bottom of the cell.
Display as: Applies a number, currency, percentage, fraction, scientific, or numeral
system format to the cell values.
Decimals: Indicates how many decimal places to display.
To add a pop-up menu, click the Cell Formats button in the format bar and then
choose Pop-up Menu to create a pop-up menu with default settings.
You can also open the Cells inspector and choose Pop-up Menu from the Cell Format
pop-up menu.
In the Cells inspector, edit the placeholder entries in the list by selecting them and
typing values of your choice.
To add an item to the list, click the Add button (+) and type the item. If you specify a
number, it’s treated as a number, not as text.
Chapter 4
Working with Table Cells

Chapter 4
Working with Table Cells
To remove an item, select it and click the Delete button (–).
To add a stepper, click the Cell Formats button in the format bar and then choose
Stepper in the pop-up menu to create a stepper with default settings.
You can also open the Cells inspector and choose Stepper from the Cell Format pop-
up menu.
In the Cells inspector, change the default settings if desired:
Minimum and Maximum: Indicates the lowest and highest cell values.
Increment: Indicates the amount by which the cell value increases or decreases when
you click the stepper control (or an arrow key) once.
Display as: Applies a number, currency, percentage, fraction, scientific, or numeral
system format to the cell values.
Decimals: Indicates how many decimal places to display.