Numbers - Adding Comments to Table Cells

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Adding Comments to Table Cells

Use comments to record information about table cells.

Here are ways to work with comments:
To add a comment to a cell, select the cell and click Comment in the toolbar, or choose


Insert > Comment. Type in the comment box.
To move a comment, drag it.


To hide all comments, choose View > Hide Comments. A yellow marker appears in any


table cell containing a comment.
To hide one comment, click the Minimize (–) button in the upper left of the comment
box, or click the comment marker. A hidden comment can be temporarily displayed by
placing the pointer over the marker.
To show all comments, choose View > Show Comments.


To show a hidden comment, click its marker.
To delete a comment, click the X in the upper right of the comment box.


To include comments when you print, show any comments you want to print,


and then choose File > Print.