Managing Table Categories and Subcategories
Here are techniques for managing categories:
To move a row from one category to another, select the row and drag it into the
new category.
To move a category within a table, click the reference tab for its category row and drag
the category to the new location.
To move a category up or down a level, click Reorganize in the toolbar, or choose
Show More Options from a reference tab’s pop-up menu to open the Reorganize
window. Click the Move Up button or the Move Down button adjacent to a column.
You can also click the reference tab pop-up menu for a category row, and then choose
Promote (to move a category to a higher level) or Demote (to move it to a lower level).
To format a category row, select one or more cells and then use the format bar or the
Graphics inspector to modify background fill and text style. The changes are applied to
all cells in the current category row and all other category rows at the same level.

To display values automatically computed using cell values in a column of a category
or subcategory, click a category row cell and then click the disclosure triangle.
Click a disclosure
triangle to choose a
computation type.
Choose a numeric computation type (Subtotal, Average, and so on) to display the
results of operations on numeric values (except date, time, or duration values); choose
Count to display a count of nonblank cells.
Count of non-blank cells
To display the kind of calculation being shown, choose Show Function Name from the
pop-up menu after choosing a computation type.
Function name displayed
To remove the contents of a cell in a category row, choose Blank from the cell’s
pop-up menu.
To display the category name in the cell, choose Category Name instead.
To add a new row to a category or subcategory, choose Add Row Above or Add Row
Below from a row’s cell reference pop-up menu. When the new row is added, cells in
the category value columns are assigned the values for the category or subcategory
where the row was inserted.
To hide rows, select them and choose Hide Selected Rows from a row reference tab
pop-up menu.
Chapter 3
Using Tables

Chapter 3
Using Tables
Body rows in the selected range are hidden, but category rows reman visible.
To expand or collapse all category or subcategories of the same level, choose Expand
All or Collapse All from the cell reference pop-up menu of any row at the same level
that you want to expand or collapse.
To expand or collapse all categories and subcategories of all levels, hold down the
Option key as you click the disclosure triangle near the left edge of any category row.
If one or more categories at the same level are collapsed, then Option-clicking will expand
all categories.
If one of more categories at the same level are expanded, then Option-clicking will
collapse all categories.

This chapter describes how to work with table cells and
their content.
Putting Content into Table Cells
Use a variety of techniques to add content to table cells.
To learn how to
Go to
Add, replace, copy, paste, and move table
cell values
“Adding and Editing Table Cell Values” on page 78
Format and align text in table cells and use
find-and-replace and spell-checking features
“Working with Text in Table Cells” on page 79
Work with numeric table cell values
“Working with Numbers in Table Cells” on
page 80
Use autofilling to automatically repeat a cell
value in adjacent cells
“Autofilling Table Cells” on page 81
Adding and Editing Table Cell Values
You can add, change, and delete the content in cells.
Here are ways to add and edit values:
If the cell is empty, select it and then type a value. “
Selecting a Table Cell” on page 55
describes how to select cells.
To replace specific content already in the cell, select the cell and then select what you
want to replace by double-clicking; hold down the Shift key and select more content if
you want to replace more. Type to replace the selected content.
To replace everything in the cell, select the cell and then begin typing.
If “Return key moves to next cell” isn’t selected in the Table inspector, you can also
select the cell and then press Return or Enter, which selects everything in the cell, and
then start typing.